Celebrating the New Jersey Lawyer
(Editor's Note: This column is an excerpt from New Jersey State Bar
Association President Ralph J. Lamparello's speech delivered during
his installation on May 17 at the NJSBA Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlantic City.)
I am going to tell you my story—which is going to be about you, about us, and
who we are—for we are New Jersey lawyers. Yes, we are sworn officers of the
Court, and that means we have a moral imperative to improve the system each
day. But, as New Jersey lawyers, we do that and so much more. I have never
encountered a group of people, indeed an entire profession, who contribute so
much. Who dedicate themselves, not just to improving the system of justice
and practice of law, but to improving their communities and the lives of those
around them. A lot of people talk the talk, but no one walks the walk like a
New Jersey lawyer. You are the people I want to celebrate in the year ahead.
When Hurricane Sandy devastated
our state, New Jersey lawyers stepped
forward and provided assistance to so
many who had lost so much. More than
250 lawyers from our bar association
stepped forward to assist victims on a
pro bono basis, regardless of income, and
with no promise of anything in return.
Their work continues today. Their
response was so rapid and their results
so extraordinary that FEMA gave out the
phone number of the New Jersey State
Bar Association to those in need, and we
assisted over 50 families a day for weeks
on end. Who are these lawyers? They
are you and me. People like Jay Bernstein, who has volunteered for the
NJSBA Mass Disaster Program for many
years, and Bill Krais, Stephen Barry, Beth
White, Domenick Carmagnola and
Shivani Malik. Shivani had a background in landlord/tenant work and
took over 45 referrals from Sandy victims to provide them with guidance as
to their rights under the law. Jay, Bill,
Stephen, Beth, Domenick and Shivani
are all New Jersey lawyers.
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