LEGAL RIGHTS ARE OUR BIRTHRIGHT AS AMERICANS. The Bill of Rights is only half way completed. The Right to decent, adequate Health Care, Workers Compensation, Job protection, etc... are central to basic Human Rights; but not yet included in our Constitution. Former President Franklin Roosevelt, in 1944 proposed a second bill of rights....but it was never instituted. I seek to protect my clients in the spirit of FDR, and ensure proper healthcare and Compensation for New Jersey's Workers.
Kirsch, Gelband, & Stone, PC

- Jay H Bernstein, Attorney at Law
- Newark, New Jersey, United States
- THE PASSION TO SERVE; THE EXPERIENCE TO WIN! Certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Workers Compensation Attorney, with 22 years experience; specializing in protecting YOUR basic human right to FREE and URGENT health care in the Workers Compensation Court. Our Firm is one of the Pre Eminent Personal Injury Law Firms in N.J., providing representation to the seriously injured, from product liability to auto accidents to medical malpractice. Call anytime for a free appointment 201 519-6785 --- KIRSCH, GELBAND & STONE, suite 401, 50 Park Place, Street, Newark N.J NOTE: THIS PROFILE MAY CONSTITUTE ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. PRIOR RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE A SIMILAR OUTCOME. ANY CORRESPONDENCE WITH THIS PROFILE HOLDER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CLIENT/ATTORNEY RELATIONSHIP. NEITHER THE CONTENT ON THIS PROFILE NOR TRANSMISSIONS BETWEEN YOU AND THE PROFILE HOLDER THROUGH THIS PROFILE ARE INTENDED TO PROVIDE LEGAL OR OTHER ADVICE OR TO CREATE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
"Human centric verse capital centric economic policy."
Jay Bernstein September 5, 2014
We live in a society that places limited value on human individuals, especially in their economic potential and Basic economic rights: right to full employment, right to a job, a decent home, healthcare, free education -including college.
In this age of globalization, we live in a capital centric economic world. Capital flows to where the return is greatest, worldwide; leaving empty gutted rusted out factories, mass pockets of permanent unemployment, and destroyed lives in its wake.
Manufacturing and-factory workers cannot be reeducated for the new start up IT economy and their lives (and the lives of their families and children)are permanently injured, and destroyed forever when the jobs disappear.
The train, the engine of private capitalism must be glued to the rails of full employment--people cannot be fired and discarded from the train merely for the sake of increased profit margin.
This week in Atlantic City, New Jersey -- the Showboat casino closed, throwing out 2000 people who will never find the same high-paying job with benefits.
Yet the Bergen record paper reports that The Showboat turned a profit every year --big profit --and never lost money!
The owner -Caesars -merely closed the casino to consolidate and boost profit margin on three of its other casinos in the area; not because the Showboat ever was unprofitable in anyway.
Capital centric policies replaced human centered (human-centric) policies; destroying probably 2000 families in a depressed economic area with no hope of other replacement jobs.
Laws must be reformed. The state must have a say --saving jobs and putting human beings FIRST!
Possibly proven human centric economic policies such as"ESOP" (employee stock ownership plans where the employees purchase the entity and run it as equal owners) could have saved the 2000 jobs.
It is Time worldwide to Turn to human centric Solutions to tackle economic problems, war, drought, Hunger, displacement, mass refugee crisis, disease ie (11,300 children die each day from preventable diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia etc.) and put ***humans***first not capital!
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